Monday, October 25, 2010

There's a Wocket in my Pocket! by Dr. Seuss

  I like this book because it rhymes and has funny words.


My two favorite parts of the book are:
    "There's a nink in the sink."
    "...and the zower in my shower..."

Here is a rhyme I made for the book:

There's a mitchen in my kitchen.
Can you make a rhyme and share it with me? I'd love to read it.

-Little Book Bug


  1. Hi Maya! How about "There's a TOOTER, in my COMPUTER!!!" hahahaha

    Love and Miss you!

    Uncle Mark

  2. Hi Maya,
    I'm your uncle Mark's friend, I'm not sure if you remember me, but he told about your site & its really cute. I enjoy your drawings, you're very creative! As a kid, I enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss, he rhymes a lot in them.

  3. I forgot my rhyme,
    but I'll do it this time.
    you draw really good,
    & I hope to see you sometime in the neighborhood!
